Time for reflection over Christmas decorations

A Time for Reflection

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As 2019 comes to a close, it’s that time where we begin to reflect on the past year and our achievements. In between the many Christmas lunches and parties, that is!

There’s something about the darker nights and the comforting lights of the Christmas tree that gets me into a more introspective mood. It’s the perfect time for reflection, and to plan for the fresh challenges and opportunities that 2020 will bring.

When you next get a quiet moment to yourself, take some time to reflect on the past year.

  • Which of your key goals did you achieve this year?
  • Which achievement are you most proud of this year?
  • If you could have done one thing differently this year, what would it be?
  • What part of your job brought you the most satisfaction?
  • Did you take any actions this year that had a positive impact on a colleague or team member?

We’ve been discussing our word of 2019 in our community – come and join our FREE Facebook group and share your word of 2019.

And take some time to also think about what you want to achieve in 2020.

Reflection is for life, not just for Christmas.

Of course, reflection is a powerful tool for leaders and business owners, and it’s one that shouldn’t be reserved for once a year. On a more regular basis, take some time out to reflect and ask yourself some insightful questions about what is going well, and what can be improved.

The main reason my clients give, for not doing any reflecting is that they believe they don’t have the time. But you can do some important self-reflection in just a few minutes.

There are numerous reflective practice models available. However, my own simple and short reflective practice consists of just 3 short questions I’ve been asking myself and others for over 20 years:

  1. On a scale of 1-10, how do you think you performed/delivered?
  2. What do you think you did well?
  3. What do you think you need to do differently?

I find this model has worked well for myself and all my clients, and it can be done in as little as 3 minutes. Why not give it a try? Just set a timer for 3 minutes and answer the questions honestly.

Regardless of how busy you are, there’s always time for self-reflection.

Regular reflection raises your self-awareness and helps you to see the difference you are making to yourself and others around you.

Make a regular habit of finding a few minutes of peace and quiet to reflect on you. You’ll be a much stronger leader in the long run for it.

As a coach, I help senior leaders and business owners regain their inner confidence so they can flourish as their ‘real self.’

If you’d like to learn more about using self-reflection, join our FREE Facebook Group – it’s the place for inspiration, compassion, guidance, and challenge …all through rediscovering you, recharging you, and believing in you!

Sharing is caring!

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