'Find the Real You'- 8 week facilitated online programme

Do you feel disconnected from your work and life?

  • You’re feeling unfulfilled as you endure another day bumbling along, just
    going through the motions
  • Everything seems chaotic, as you feel overwhelmed just doing ‘stuff’ and
    lack focus on what’s important
  • You’re starting to second guess yourself and avoid making decisions, afraid of making the wrong move

And while you feel like this, it saps your energy, and your confidence feels
like it’s been buried deep within you.

It’s OK …you’ve lost sight of who you really are.


…it’s time to find the ‘real you.’

And when I say the real you, I mean who you really are (not the ‘pretend you’ you carry around to make the world think you’re OK).

Over the last twenty years, I’ve helped many leaders flourish, including: Business Owners, Chief Executives, Executive Directors, Head teachers, Heads of Service, Senior Managers, Councillors and Clinicians.

So, no matter what you feel is stopping you from feeling happy and positive, or standing in the way of you achieving results – whether it’s your family, your colleagues, your working environment or the culture of your organisation – I promise you, it isn’t that!

My challenge is always, let’s start with YOU!

Self Leadership - How to gain a greater sense of the real you

Join me on my eight week Self Leadership programme ‘Find the Real You’ which will help you:

        Gain a greater awareness of yourself, and where you add value – it will sharpen your sense of self in a way that most people never experience

        Stand by what you believe in, and start using your values in every choice you make and every action you take

        Utilise your strengths, and start doing activities that energise you and give you a real sense of fulfilment

        Say no to just ‘stuff,’ and start taking purposeful action by contributing positively

        Start seeing meaning in your days, so you can achieve results that matter to you

        Identify where you need to spend your energy and focus, so you can start taking control of your career and living your life based on what you believe in

        Feel more confident in your abilities, stand tall, and take the shackles off, so you can proudly start to live your life as the real you

What's included?

The Self Leadership programme ‘Find the Real You’ is an eight week online programme, that will help you rediscover who you really are. In essence, it’s your unique individual brand profile. 

As well as boosting your efforts and focus in both work and life, it will help you be yourself so you can do what’s important to you, say no to just ‘stuff,’ and take control of your career. All through gaining a greater understanding of YOU. 

It’s a mix of self-study, group coaching, and facilitated learning and includes:

Training Modules. A new training module which is revealed each week. This includes a variety of online tutorials, and downloadable learning resources, e.g. workbooks, presentations with theories and concepts, online questionnaires, articles.

Self-study. You’ll be asked to reflect on the learning materials by doing the deep dive exercises and journal independently. This is likely to take approximately 2 hours per week. These activities are not the ‘fill in the blank’ type templates where you can do them very quickly and move on to the next thing! They’re designed to dig deep beyond the superficial level, as well as learning new theories and concepts to help things ‘make sense.’ Because it’s only when you explore at a deeper level that you get the ‘aha’ moments and personal breakthroughs.


Live Group Coaching. In weeks 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8, there will be a live group coaching call, where you’ll meet your peers. On each call, you’ll get the opportunity to discuss the content of the modules in more detail, share your experiences and learn from others. You can also ask Andrea any questions relating to the content. The calls will be on Thursdays 6:30pm – 7:30pm GMT. Dates tbc.

Access to Andrea. Throughout the course Andrea will guide you and your peers through the learning process so you won’t be alone. She’ll guide you through the sequence of activities so you won’t get stuck with where to start, you can just get on with doing it.

Implementation Weeks. The questions within the activities are designed so they take you on a deeper exploration. They demand deep thinking, honesty and self-compassion. So to be kind to yourself, there are two weeks where no new content is revealed, which gives you an opportunity to take in your personal insights, catch up, and implement your learning.

And something really special – a PANIC BUTTON. You can hit your panic button once a month during the course. This is something really special – a 15 min call with Andrea for when that unexpected moment comes up, you’re struggling with what to do, and you just need to talk it through with someone.  The key with this is that there are slots available for this every day to make sure you get the help you need, when you need it.

The Self Leadership Content

Women taking time out on bench in sunset

CHAPTER 1 OF SELF LEADERSHIP: Getting started with Finding the Real You

Content includes

       PRE COURSE BONUS MODULE: Your Supporters – identify key people who’ll positively support you in your self-discovery journey, ask people for feedback throughout the programme and ask for help when needed

       Your History – explore some of your key experiences, look back on what you’ve achieved, and reflect on where you’ve met challenges

       Includes: welcome video, course information pack, video tutorials, workbooks, articles

Andrea Goodridge facilitating a workshop

CHAPTER 2 OF SELF LEADERSHIP: Finding the Real You with Your Brand

Content includes

       Your Values – learn what values are and why they’re important, discover where values are developed, identify your core values and what’s important to you, evaluate how close you’re living in alignment with your values, plan how you’re going to living your values more fully

       Your Strengths – learn what strengths are and why they’re important, learn the concept of flow, reflect on what energises you and you at your best, identify your top strengths, plan how to utilise / develop your strengths

       Your Purpose – learn what a purpose is and why it’s important, reflect on what brings meaning and fulfilment to you, explore your passion and purpose in life

       Includes: video tutorials, workbooks, practical strategies, values images, online questionnaire, articles

Butterfly being released from hand with quote about aspirations

CHAPTER 3 OF SELF LEADERSHIP: Finding the Real You with Your Aspirations

Content includes

       Your Aspirations – compile everything you’ve learned about yourself to explore your aspirations, learn why having a vision is important, identify where you currently feel fulfilled, explore what you ultimately want and excites you, create your personal vision of what really matters to you

       Your Next Steps – set your priorities, identify what might get in the way of you achieving your priorities, break up your priorities into tiny chunks, plan how to live your priorities with purposeful action

       Includes: video tutorials, workbooks, practical strategies

The Self Leadership programme will help you:

        Gain a greater awareness of yourself, and where you add value – it will sharpen your sense of self in a way that most people never experience

        Stand by what you believe in, and start using your values in every choice you make and every action you take

        Utilise your strengths, and start doing activities that energise you and give you a real sense of fulfilment

        Say no to just ‘stuff,’ and start taking purposeful action by contributing positively

        Start seeing meaning in your days, so you can achieve results that matter to you

        Identify where you need to spend your energy and focus, so you can start taking control of your career and living your life based on what you believe in

        Feel more confident in your abilities, stand tall, and take the shackles off, so you can proudly start to live your life as the real you


I know you’re super interested if you’re still here!

If you’re ready to go from the pretend you to the proud you, then you can grab your spot for only £589 inc VAT

You can also book a VIP place, which includes a 1-2-1 with Andrea for £789 inc VAT.

Finding the real you doesn’t happen by magic! 

It really is going to take effort on your part. It’s going to take you making a commitment to yourself to schedule 2 hours per week to do the self-study, and 1 hour for each of the live group coaching calls. 

When you consider what this will bring you, believe me it’s worth it! 


About Andrea

Andrea Goodridge is a qualified coach and leadership development consultant.

She set up Ad Florem in October 2015 when she made the decision to only do activities that energised her or where she could add value. 

Basically, if she’s not going to feel it, and be energised by it, she won’t perform at her best! She encourages her clients to do the same for themselves.

Once you stop ‘going through the motions’ and start focusing on results you value, you’ll engage with your work and get better results.

It starts with you!

Her 22 years’ experience of supporting leaders and business owners has proven this, and is based on taking time out to reflect, recharge and refocus on you.

Many of Andrea’s clients are looking to regain their confidence to live their ‘real self’ and shake off their ‘pretend self.’

She also has a popular blog where she shares practical tips and tactics on self-leadership; has featured in various publications and podcasts; and has won many awards including: Best Leadership Development Consultancy 2019 in the Northern Enterprise Awards; Leadership Coaching Director of the Year (UK) 2021 in the Influential Businesswoman Awards; Best Leadership Development Consultancy UK 2022 and Leadership Coaching Director of the Year 2022 in the Education and Training Awards; and Business Skills Training Coach of the Year (North West England) 2022 in the Influential Businesswoman Awards.

Each week a new training module will be revealed. You can work through the learning materials in your own time that week. The live group coaching calls will take place in weeks 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8.


Approximately 2 hours per week to focus on the learning materials, reflect and capture your thoughts, and commit to your weekly actions. In addition, the live group coaching calls, which are 1 hour, will take place in weeks 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8.


The programme is eight weeks long.

We have live group coaching calls in weeks 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 where you’ll meet your peers over video. On each call, you’ll get the opportunity to discuss the content of the modules in more detail, share your experiences and learn from others. You can also ask Andrea any questions relating to the content. 

Throughout the programme, Andrea will guide you and your peers through the learning process so you won’t be alone. She’ll guide you through the sequence of activities so you won’t get stuck with where to start, you can just get on with doing it.


People like you who are:

– Open minded, and willing to try new ways of learning, to develop outside your comfort zone

– Serious in your intent to change, see through your commitments and inform Andrea when things aren’t working for you

– Curious, through reflection, exploration, and challenge, so you can develop your self-awareness

– Positive about yourself, so you can feel confident in yourself and have belief in your abilities


That feeling of overwhelm is because you’re trying to be everything to everyone. What you’ll learn in this programme is that making time for you isn’t a day at the spa or a week’s holiday. It’s prioritising the small daily actions that support you be the ‘real you.’ It might feel like you don’t have time, but you’ll soon realise that you gain back that time and more, thanks to increased energy, focus and confidence.

Great! I’d love to answer them. You can either drop me a mail or you can book in a call here. Speak soon.

One last thing ...

I know it can feel like a huge stretch to do something for yourself.

– To put money down on something that doesn’t seem to directly affect your family or your business

But here’s the thing …

– If you don’t start to explore your Self Leadership and who you really are, things will continue to be a struggle

– You’ll stay disconnected, overwhelmed, and you’ll continue to play out the ‘pretend you’

You have to stop and ask yourself “why?”

How about joining me in learning a new way?

– One that gives you permission to be you, even when everyone’s watching!

Self Leadership Online Programme

Find the Real You - it's time to stop pretending and start feeling proud!